Online / Skype speech therapist
I conduct speech and communication therapy
as part of my consulting office.

Anna Pączek
Speech Therapist
Myofonctional Therapist
I graduated in Polish Philology at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków and Speech-language Therapy at the University of Wrocław.
I graduated in Clinical Neurological speech-language pathology at the Medical Academy in Wrocław.
I worked with NZOZ Logomed in Opole, with the Opole Association for the Development of Children with Trisomy 21. My experience is complemented by the cooperation with the University of Opole and the University of Banking in Wroclaw.
Privately, I’m keen on learning foreign languages. The process of acquiring a new language turned out to be the best possible speech therapy training for me. I go through all stages of acquiring communication and language competences, comparable to those which a child must face when acquiring their communication and language competences, and what is connected with it – also the social ones.
The greatest pleasure in my work gives me the opportunity to be part of this process in the development of children. Watching how self-esteem and causative power change as they grow. The relationships I make with parents and children give me energy to constantly develop my knowledge and experience.
1. Dr Sean Pert, Speech Transcription Refresher Workshop.
2. Dr Sean Pert, Speech Assessment and Therapy in Practice.
3. Carly Hartshorn, Developmental Language Difficulties. Assessment and Treatment in Clinical Practice.
4. Dr Sean Pert, Bilingual Children with Speech and Language Difficulties.

Speech Laboratory
I systematically deepen my knowledge in the field of stomatognathic system disorders, orthodontic and speech therapy treatment – by participating in workshops organized by the Speech Laboratory in Warsaw.
Synapsis Foundation
Knowledge of the therapy of speech and communication disorders against the background of developmental disorders, autism spectrum features – I systematically deepen mu knowledge by participating in workshops organized by the Synapsis Foundation in Warsaw.
I regularly take part in workshops
I completed the GROWTH THROUGH PLAY SYSTEM (GPS) first degree training, which authorizes me to incorporate the GPS method into my work.
I completed a first degree course in HANDLE therapy “Understanding Autism in the view of HANDLE”.
I completed the second degree course “HANDLE in neurodevelopmental disorders”.
I completed the first, second and third degree in the supporting communication MAKATON and the workshop “Playing using Makaton”. Skills in shaping verbal communication help me to develop understanding, effective communication, and to build relationships with children who have difficulties in these areas.
I completed the training in the field of hand therapy based on Zbigniew Przyrowski’s original program addressed to children with sensory integration disorders in the vestibular system, proprioception and touch.

Completed courses and trainings:
- Good Start Method, prof. Marta Bogdanowicz,
- Introduction to Glottodydatctic,
- The “Promyk Słońca Foundation”, Elements of therapeutic work with children from the dyslexia risk group,
- prof. Marta Bogdanowicz, Diagnosis and therapy of dyslexia,
- Warsaw, Synapsis Foundation – Therapy and education of children with autism,
- Warsaw, Synapsis Foundation – I communicate and speak. Observation and speech therapy of a small child with the autism spectrum,
- Polish Association of Kinesiologists, Dennison’s Educational Kinesiology,
- doctor of humanities Anna Prożych, Elements of the verbal tonal method in the treatment of language communication disorders,
- Polish Association of Speech-language Therapists, Underdevelopment of speech of aphasia type. Diagnosis and therapy,
- Association of Creators and Supporters of Psycho-stimulation, University of Wroclaw, Certificate of Dyslexia Therapist,
- doctor of humanities Anna Regner, Oral-facial therapy using elements of neurofunctional reorganization and neuromotor regulation,
- MODN in Opole, Early speech therapy intervention,
- training in Neurolinguistic Programming.
Central auditory processing disorders as a new spectrum of CNS level disorders – diagnosis and therapy; Fonetika, Centre for Hearing Rehabilitation and Prosthesis, Warsaw,
Completes internships and traineeships:
- Speech therapy clinic, Opole Voivodeship Medical Centre, Witosa Street,
- Association of Creators and Supporters of Psycho-stimulation, Wrocław, Macieja Square 5,
- Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing, Warsaw, Zgrupowanie “Kampinos” 1 Street,
- International Centre of Hearing and Speech, Kajetany, Mokra 17 Street.
Feel free to contact
(+48) 501 455 851
45-072 Opole, Reymonta 47/3
Online / Skype (Poland, Germany, USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand)
Berlin, Chicago, London, Brussels